The trainee learns about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, artificial respirato resuscitation to begin with. Identify parts of single/multicylinder I.C. engines and marine engines. Impart study of different types of pumps and valves in the basic fitting skills sawing, filim marking, chipping, drilling are imparted along with forging and carpentry. The syllabus includ procedures and steps for the dismantling and overhauling single and multi cylinder marine engine. Ti syllabus also includes learning how to assemble pumps and motors and imparts training on differe turning operations. The candidate will be able to operate, maintain, overhaul and diagnose defects and troub shooting of marine engine. Can join industry as mechanic, Fitter and welder and will progress further Rank officer in Marine line.
Key Learning :
1. Operate, maintain, overhaul and diagnose defects and trouble shooting of marine engine. Speed boat engine maintenance.
2. Trouble shoot & maintain marine refrigeration & air conditioning. Basic knowledge of Gas welding, arc welding, Brazing & MIG Welding. .
3. Basic fitting operation- Marking, Hack sawing, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling, Taping, Turning & grinding etc. Basic knowledge on Plumbing, Pipe filting work for marine service.
4. Basic Turner knowledge & imparts training on different turning operations. Basic Hydraulic & Pnumatic knowledge use on marine services.
5. Impart study of different types of pumps and valves. Basic knowledge on AC/DC Motors used in marine ships.